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The International Symposium on Artificial, Biological and Bio-Inspired Intelligence (ABBII) is an interdisciplinary event which brings together the researchers of intelligence, decision making and computing to facilitate exchange of ideas, share novel and original results and establish collaborative activities. The objective of the symposium is to establish an integrative platform of research in living to nature-inspired artificial intelligence, and thus the symposium covers all topics on intelligence including, but not limited to:


Artificial Life and Application

Machine Learning Systems

Agents and Complex Systems

Evolutionary Computation

Multi Agent Systems

Dynamical Systems

Analog Computing and Intelligence

Complexity of Nature

Distributed Systems

Swarm Intelligence

Animal and Human Behavior Dynamics


Systems Biology

Computational Neuroscience

Biological and Natural Computing

Chemical and Reaction-Diffusion Intelligence

Nano-Scale and Molecular Intelligence

Slime Mould Intelligence

FUBENEKI (Further Benefit of a Kind of Inconvenience) system



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